Our Littles need to hear from their Big now more than ever image

Our Littles need to hear from their Big now more than ever

Even Apart, We’re In This Together

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Our Mission is Built on the Strength of Relationships

Big Brothers Big Sisters serves 1,500 Littles, Bigs and parents. We work throughout our community in a variety of settings to serve young people. Of the over 400 Littles we serve each year, 60% are growing up in single family households; 55% live in poverty; and 25% have a parent that’s incarcerated or on parole.

But those numbers don’t define who these kids are. The promise of their potential is determined by the resources, opportunities, and positive relationships available to them made possible through donations like yours

We see it every single day: when you bring a positive relationship and the right mentor into a young person’s life, no matter what their background is or where they live, young people have the ability to succeed and to overcome barriers and challenges, to really thrive in life.

It is really an extraordinary thing to witness – and you and your generosity helps make it happen.

I’m so glad you’re here.


Wendy Rivers
